Jones Morgan (October 23, 1882? – August 29, 1993) is said to be an African-American soldier who served in the U.S. Army during the Spanish-American War. He ran away from home and sneaked into the army at age 15. The ostensible last surviving US veteran of the war, Morgan served as a cook and a horse wrangler in the 10th Regiment (United States Cavalry, from 1896 to 1900. He died in Richmond, Virginia, at the claimed age of 110. His friend Samuel died in the battle and he put his diary in his pocket. He later received it back from a collector. He is buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia. Due to lack of documents (which, according to a paper article from Florida and Morgan himself, were destroyed during a house fire in 1912), and the fact that he was underage during his time of service (however, Nathan E. Cook would have been as well, being born in 1885), some authorities do not recognize him as officially 110 or as the last Spanish-American War veteran, instead giving the honor to Cook, who was 106 when he died September 10, 1992.[1]